Further reading

Concepts and background

  • WCA (Word Clock Array): The center matrix, without minute-LEDs and other stuff
  • WCA_WIDTH, WCA_HEIGHT: Height and width of the WCA.
    • Part of the wordclock software are png-files, which need to fit to these values.
    • Currently available: 11x10 png-files.
    • Support for wordclocks with other resolution available (untested).
  • WCD (Word Clock Display): Includes any led attached to the wordclock (such as minutes, possible/future ambilights/etc.)
  • Coordinates (or: WCA-coordinates): Can be 1d or 2d, used to adress a LED on the word clock array
  • Index (or: strip index): Used to adress a LED depending on the position on the LED-strip

Expanding the functionality of the wordclock

Remote control of the wordclock

The wordclock comes with a REST-API to control the major functionality of the clock.

To access the API documentation, visit:


Adding a new plugin

You might be interested in expanding the wordclocks functionality by adding a new plugin to the wordclock

To do so, you need to…

  • Think about the name of this plugin: E.g. new_stuff
  • Add a new folder new_stuff to the folder wordclock_plugins
    • Create a plugin.py-file with a class plugin, which has at least the following functions implemented:
      • __init__(self, config): You can use the config-object to pass data from the config-file for initialization purposes
      • run(): Run the actual plugin
  • For the actual implementation, you can access the provided methods of the class wordclock_display * If necessary you might extend it… ;)
  • Add an icon (with resolution 11x10 pixel) for the new plugin to the directory wordclock_plugins/new_stuff/icons/11x10/logo.png
  • Add a section [plugin_new_stuff] to the reference config-file (wordclock_config/wordclock_config.reference.cfg) and store there all necessary config-values in a way that they are suitable for all wordclock users by default and out of the box. * Even consider disableing your plugin by default.. * Disabling is mandatory, if additional hardware is required to run the plugin.
  • Add the same section [plugin_new_stuff] to your local config-file (wordclock_config/wordclock_config.cfg), holding the (custom) values you want to have setup for your own clock. * Your plugin will extract config values from wordclock_config.cfg first. If they are not set their, it will default to wordclock_config.reference.cfg
  • Document everything properly, so that others (and maybe you as well) can later understand it… ;)
  • Commit your changes using git and consider to create a pull-request at https://www.github.com/bk1285/rpi_wordclock
  • Consider, that this repository uses nvie’s branching model: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/